Cheek bone
I'm slowly coming to terms with the iPhone 16 Pro and its capabilities. In this shot, I deliberately overexposed the image by +1 to +2 EV, but correcting it during…
I'm slowly coming to terms with the iPhone 16 Pro and its capabilities. In this shot, I deliberately overexposed the image by +1 to +2 EV, but correcting it during…
Finally, the iPhone 16 can be used with one hand. This feature is truly a game-changer for me. For years, I always carried a Ricoh GRIII or GRIIIx in my…
I recently purchased the iPhone 16 Pro, which stemmed from a desire to simplify my photography gear. As an owner of several high-quality systems—Ricoh, Nikon, Leica SL, and Leica M9—I…
I have praised the iPhone 14 Pro before. But certainly not any more. Apple has started to over-sharpen the pictures. It has been worse in the past few months. Strange.…
I use my iPhone 14 quite rarely for photography. I bought it because my 11 was scratched, and I felt it was a good idea to have a rainy-day backup.…
I have a hard time understanding the iPhone's Ultra Wide lens. Look at the poor girl's head! I used iPhone 13 in this picture. But it seems to be the…
I got myself a Christmas present, an iPhone 14 Pro Max. I have been looking for a digital backup camera for a while now since I sold my Hasselblad 907x.…