New theme for future exhibitions

New theme for future exhibitions

I have started a new theme for future exhibitions: “Assymetry”

I asked Chatgpt about it:

Asymmetry is often seen as an unconventional form of beauty, a departure from the predictable patterns that symmetry offers. While symmetry has long been associated with balance and harmony, asymmetry invites curiosity and complexity. It captivates because it defies expectation, offering an organic, dynamic quality that feels more alive and authentic.

In nature, asymmetry is everywhere—from the spiral of a seashell to the uneven branches of a tree. These irregular forms are what make landscapes, organisms, and even human faces unique. An asymmetrical face, for instance, can evoke more character and intrigue, as slight imperfections create depth and individuality.

In art and design, asymmetry opens up endless possibilities for expression. It breaks the monotony of uniformity and introduces an element of surprise. It asks the viewer to explore and engage more deeply, to see beauty not in perfect balance but in the way that uneven elements play off each other in unexpected harmony.

Asymmetry can remind us that beauty lies not only in perfection but also in the irregularities and differences that make life, and the world, interesting and vibrant.


And I love it. Possibly ready for the summer 2025.

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